Riya Loveguard Light worker
Sirian Light Language for Self Love

Sirian Light Language for Self Love

Self-Love Activation is a Sirian Light Language transmission of Love Codes. The Sirius Language of Light is packed with strong Galactic Frequencies, meant to help you transition into a state of profound self-love, compassion, and accepting those parts of yourself that haven’t yet received love.

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Arcturian Light Language Activation

Arcturian Light Language Activation

Someone’s comment on Riya’s TikTok inspired this Arcturian Light Language Activation and many others. A person commented: “anyone can memorize some mumble-jumble for 60 seconds.” In response, Riya resolved to speak one language on livestream for 30 or 40 minutes uninterrupted, with no pauses or background music, with translation at the conclusion, beginning with Arcturian.

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Riya Loveguard Light worker