Light Language is a potent modality that you can use for inner healing, connecting with higher realms and for personal transformation.

Imagine embarking on a transformative journey where you unlock ancient, cosmic languages within you and learn how to craft powerful transmissions that transform your personal reality and lives of your clients – from inside out. 

The Light Language Course is your gateway to accessing a powerful sound technology, enabling you to connect deeply with your inner self, higher realms, and the universe’s vast wisdom. This course is not just an educational experience; it’s a profound transformation awaiting to unfold within you.

Here is what happens when I activate Light Languages in others  – put sound on!

Light Language is a potent spiritual tool that has long been misunderstood and underused due to lack of insight. This is why many people who channel a mystical language don’t know where it comes from, what it means and how to use it. I am here to challenge this paradigm and bring conscious understanding and intentional use to this mystical modality!


Meet the Galactic Polyglot

Allow me to introduce myself & share my Light Language story with you. I’m Riya Loveguard & I have helped hundreds of people activate their own Light Language & other Starseed abilities.

But it wasn’t always this way. 

When I first activated Arcturian Light Language 15 years ago, I had no clue what I channelled, where it originated or how powerful it was!

Today, I have the ability to speak close to 20 different light languages. I channel multiple Light Languages of Galactic Light Beings such as the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Orions, the Alpha Centauri and the Blue Avians. I also know forgotten Languages of Earth’s oldest civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis.

But most importantly, I can distinguish between them, understand them and use them with precision.

Over the course of many classes and activations I have helped countless people activate and identify the origins of their Light Language as well as elevate their transmission to a level of precision and understanding. I would love to do the same for you.


Light Language is a spiritual tool that uses powerful sound technology

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I have created the Light Language Course so you can activate one or more Light Languages AND master the art of using them with precision and intention as a potent tool for transformation, connection and healing.

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The Light Language Course will take you through simple and clear steps you need to follow in order to first effectively activate one or more of your Light Languages as well as use them with confidence and efficiency in your personal practice and when working with clients.

Over the course of content-rich intruction sessions and powerful activations, we will break down the fundamental concepts of channeling, transmitting and receiving Light Technology in the form of Light Languages. As your own experience with Light Language deepens, you will personally experience powerful shifts and energetic upgrades from Beings of Light such as the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans and the Lyrans.

Beyond activating your Light Language

 I don’t just activate Light Languages in my students.

I take them on a journey to mastery of the Language of Light.

I help them to get to know the energies that they channel intimately.

I practice with them so they understand what they’re saying.

I build their confidence in the results of their activations.

I want them to co-create every transmission with their Galactic and Inner Earth Support Team. I want them to experience and understand the culture and the essence of the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Orions, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Atlanteans, the Lemurians, and so on.

This is why the Light Language Course goes well beyond just activating the ability of speaking various Light Languages (we do that on Day 1) and into the knowing of unique energetic signatures of every Race, conscious understanding and intentional use of this powerful modality.

The Light Language Advanced Course has 5 key aspects:


activate your own ability to channel one or more light languages


become aware of the energies that you channel and learn to translate Light Language transmissions


learn to use Light Language with intention and laser-sharp precision


practice your energetic transmissions in a safe supportive environment and receive feedback


Unblock your expression blocks and increase your message resonance - beyond Light Language

By the end of the Light Languages Course you will:

Access a body of work that grows with you!

The Advanced Light Language Course is a growing body of work with multiple rich layers to it. Originally released in 2021, it had just 8 sessions but as my own understanding of this modality grew and as my abilities expanded, I kept adding to it by holding new live sessions – and I keep doing it! This means that by signing up to this Course you will get access to any additional sessions and future updates!

The 2022 and 2023 updates to the Light Language Course are entitled “The Light Language Practitioners Course” and are so in depth and extensive that it could be released as a stand-alone Course.

The 2024 update is entitled “The Light Codes: Channelling Consciousness Technology” and focuses on learning how to use your consciousness to access Galactic codes & upgrades as well as specific frequencies are available from various Galactic Races.

I believe in building on top of already strong foundations because I have deep reverence to the body of work I have created together with a beautiful group of souls that have joined me at various stages of this journey. I also know the potency of the energy retained in the original recordings – and this is why I want you to have access to all of it – the original modules, 2022, 2023 and 2024 updates, 2025 live sessions & any future updates!


Accessing Galactic Consciousness Technology, popularly known as “The Light Codes” is the most powerful and practical use of the Light Language. 

Galactic Light Codes come from the collective consciousness of various Star Nations and are designed to recalibrate your perception and attitude across all life areas, helping clear blocks to financial abundance, vitality and harmonious relationships.

Accessing the codes is like having a re-map done on your car – it’s fine tuning your your energy field. Post-upgrade, your perceptions, thought processes, and actions will evolve. You’ll start resonating with a new energy that draws in a renewed reality. The changes can range from subtle enhancements to groundbreaking shifts.



Learn to Access & Effectively Channel Galactic Light Codes

By the end of the workshop you will:

  • Learn how to use your consciousness to access Galactic codes & upgrades
  • Activate Your own ability to channel Light Language
  • Find out which specific frequencies are available from which Galactic Race
  • Access Galactic upgrades for abundance, healing and love
  • Practice channelling and transmitting consciousness technology yourself!


Live Light Language Activation

Experience Galactic Energies & Activate Your Own Light Languages

Live Coaching Call

Get live feedback and answers to your personal questions in this live video coaching call with Riya

Wondering if it's possible for your own Light Language to activate?

Here is my mailbox with audio samples from students who activated their Light Language inside the Light Language Course.


Riya activated my first 3 Light Languaages (Andromedan, Pleiadian and Syrian) during the first day of class! I was extremely drawn to light language, the first time I heard it, it moved me to tears and I had a deep aching in my heart, a deep knowing... After doing a little bit of research, without any confirmation, I believed that there are different dialects of light languages. During the workshop, I also totally felt the strong energy coming forward and became light headed like some of you. I started speaking Andromedan and Syrian right after. I thought the workshop was powerful, but I just finished listening to the bonus video and WOW, I was able to follow along with all the various light languages that came through which I wasn't able to do before i.e. Lyran, Arcturian, Pleiadian.
I might have activated not one, but multiple light languages 🤯🔥 Behind the scenes insights into my fun spiritual journey below: Last night I happened to see Riya Loveguard invitation for her light language masterclass, And I instantly knew that I have to be in that virtual room today, so I signed up and then went to sleep. This morning I had a really hard time to wake up, which is quite unusual, I was caught in some pretty vivid dreams, half aware that I was still dreaming, saying to myself: Detach. Detach. Detach. You have to wake up now! Eventually I managed to open my eyes, and felt called to check my email. Last one also happened to be a reminder that the masterclass begins in less than 15 minutes. 🤯 Fast forward one hour into this mindexpanding masterclass, Ryia said "open your mouth". Without thinking for a second, I did... And OMG! The sounds my voice is now able to channel are out of this world. Thank you Riya for your guidance on how to activate my next level frequency gifts
I have been extremely drawn to Light Language since the first time I heard it and I have always wanted to speak it. My fears were that you had to be a special unicorn to be able to speak it. I guess I was afraid I wasn't special enough or that I would just make it up. During the workshop I was surprised to find that I can decode Light Languages and how strongly I resonate with Lyran Feline. I have already recommended this experience to my friends within the spiritual community!
I joined the course to dive into the use of Light Languages for specific purposes. I have activated my second Light Language and totally entered into the process of intention / coding / decoding, giving the form to what I was already starting to do spontaneously. Thanks to Riya I have understood more the power of energy behind Light Languages and learnt to recognize their signatures and purposes. I also got clear on my specific purpose itself for speaking it! I would recommend this workshop to Light Workers and people who are into the spiritual work and also to people who want to express their healing side through that.
I struggled with my insecurity and expressing myself and this course helped me in so many ways. I am so happy. I always thought you had to feel some energy flow or something when you channel the light language. I didn't think it would be such a normal feeling!
I’m so grateful that I have your Light Language Course to learn from the recordings at the pace I am able… and so grateful for the attention you have given me via email and also during the live sessions that I have been able to attend. It is so helpful to receive support and encouragement and know I am on the right path. It is all new to me and, I am ready to follow what comes.
I wanted to use light language intentionally to heal myself and knew this will unlock the next level of healing to my clients, but I was afraid that the program and activations wouldn’t work for me. Then I joined the Light Language Course… and DAY 1, DAY 1 I already started flowing with Light Language! I’m so glad I took the leap of faith and decided to take Riya’s course! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you for your lovely sessions. I loved the activations, I’ve just finished session 4 and this light language has been coming up a lot. I tried both in this session and the same language came through - I am attaching the sample.  I also was woken up to the sounds of mermaids singing yesterday and I see a lot of water where I’m swimming in deep water almost like a mermaid I’ve had these visions for a year,  I also get visions of beautiful oceans and waterfalls,  I’m drawn to the aquatics.
- Jodie (who activated Lemurian Language)
Activating light language was a wonderful experience one that I thought at first I won’t be able to do! However today I was meditating and I got guided to send you this sample. I felt connected to Acturians and Atlantians when my light language was activated. I also felt close to the Angel realm specially since I got my angel wings in one of my activation in fact when we went to the 5D realm I met my angel family who gifted me the wings. Today it was Arch Angel Metatron who guided me to send this sample although the light beings were there too :).  I am originally from the Angel realm then Acturias and then Atlantian. I was told that this is my last birth on earth.  The sample I sent I feel is Acturian let me know what you think.  Warm regards
I was really drawn by light language, without knowing why, as I am just starting my spiritual journey... I attended one of Riya’s free classes and the level of energy I felt was incredible, so I had no hesitation at all, I knew that was a calling. During the workshop I learned so much about each light language and I am now able to identify them and to understand their frequency. But to my surprise, I was also able to channel Acturian light language... I couldn't believe it, it felt so good. Thanks to Riya who took me out of my comfort zone. That was such a beautiful feeling, I couldn't sleep the night after, I was still so excited about it! And still I AM.
Now that I have the confidence that I have actually activated true light languages -- and now know for sure what they are, I know who to call in for what language to practice. That makes a big difference in my comfort level in calling it in! I am originally from the Angel realm then Acturias and then Atlantian. I was told that this is my last birth on earth.  The sample I sent I feel is Acturian let me know what you think.  Warm regards
This course was life changing for me. I use Andromedan with reiki for people and animals, trees and plants. I have recently been channeling Pleiadian. The gifts from this class just keep coming! It has not only helped my healing practice, I have opened and shifted in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. I am more tuned in to my quantum skills. This course will be one of the biggest assets you can add to your spiritual toolkit. I can’t recommend it highly enough! I am originally from the Angel realm then Acturias and then Atlantian. I was told that this is my last birth on earth.  The sample I sent I feel is Acturian let me know what you think.  Warm regards
Shelley Wasicki

Inside the Light Language Course you will receive:

light language riya

Choose the best option for you:


  • The Light Language Course
  • Riya's Personal Feedback on Your Light Language Origins
  • Access to Private Group
  • Lifetime Access to All Recordings


  • The Light Language Course
  • Riya's Personal Feedback on Your Light Language Origins
  • Access to Private Group
  • Lifetime Access to All Recordings
  • 6 months membership in the Quantum Club


With the help of my Guides I have activated this ability in hundreds of people but occasionally I do come across individuals who struggle with letting their Light Language flow.  One thing that usually blocks any spiritual gifts is the feeling of unworthiness. Remember you don’t need to “deserve” or “earn” Light Language. It’s not a badge in Girl or Boy Scouts. You have it in you already. It’s simple and easy. We only need to coax it out. Another thing that can delay it is blocks around expression – and this is why I have included a special Divine Expression Coded Activation within the course.

You get lifetime access to all of the course materials, so you can revisit any of the session at leisure. The programme is updated annually with fresh live sessions and you get access to all of that in perpetuity.

The Light Language Course was recorded live and you will get instant access to the core modules. However, I also hold regular live sessions so you get to practice and ask your questions in real time. 

Here is the list of upcoming Light Language Course Live Sessions in 2025 (all timings in Costa Rica time)

Light Language Activation 

April 16, 2:00 PM 

Live Coaching Call 

May 1, 1:00 PM 

LLC Live Decoding Session 

May 29, 1:00 PM 

Arcturian Cosmic Journey 

June 26, 1:00 PM 

Light Language Live Practice 

July 16, 4:00 PM 

Decoding Practice 

Aug 21, 9:00 AM 

Live Light Language Activation

Sep 25,  3:00 PM 

Light Codes for Abundance

Oct 23, 1:00 PM 

Live Practice Session 

Nov 20, 1:00 PM

Solstice Activation

Dec 18, 3:00 PM 

Pleiadian Cosmic Journey 

Jan 29 ’26, 1:00 PM 

Don’t worry! Everything will be recorded and all the activations will be retained in the recordings. Many people activated their light languages off the back of the recordings – with Quantum Technologies, time does not run in a linear way. And if you need support or some questions answered- you will be able to ask any questions in the private group and get my personal feedback!

Up until now I did not offer payment plans as energetically it didn’t feel right to do so with a relatively short programme. The Course is a complete programme and a complete energetic exchange and therefore it is important that when you are setting on this journey you are ready for the time, energy and money investment required. I am a firm believer that if you are called to attend, then the funds will become available to you at the right time. This has been confirmed by experience of multiple students to date that literally manifested the funds when they set the intention that they are committed to this journey. However, if you are ready and committed to this journey and the only thing stopping you is finances, I have provided an option to split your course fee into instalments (see the price table above).

“The Starseed Journey” and “The Superstarseed” Package includes 6 months membership in The Quantum Club. 

The Quantum Club is Riya Loveguard’s and Aeron Lazar’s flagship programme, designed for you to consistently develop your spiritual abilities such as connecting to your Galactic Soul Family as Guides, speaking Light Languages, channeling energy, transmitting and receiving Light Technology.

Every week Aeron and Riya will work with you energetically on a deep level to unlock your divine intuitive gifts and connect deeper than ever before with your Higher Self and Galactic Light Beings such as the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.

You will also receive access to a vault of almost 200 recorded powerful channelled sessions with various Galactic Races. 

You can find out more about the Quantum Club here.

Join the Light Language Course!