Access this powerful channelled activation to:
- Recalibrate your energy field for abundance
- Shatter the invisible blockers and limitations holding you back
- Open up heart space to effectively manifest new reality
- Embody new timelines and geometries to bring about your dream life
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I have combined the potent frequencies of the Equinox, my affinity with this date of my Solar Return as well as Galactic energies of the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Lyrans and the Sirians to channel a timelessly-retained, powerful energy transmission that will allow you to:
- tap into the potent powers of the Equinox
- release the old beliefs, patterns, ties that are holding you back
- manifest the life of your desires

What you may experience during the energy transmission:
- Pulsations, vibrations or tingling
- Rush of energy through your body
- Physical sensations such as heat or cold
- Seeing images or sacred geometry
- A sense of lightness or feeling grounded
- Meeting your Spirit Guides
- Recalibrate your energy field to make the most out of the personal and planetary updates
- Shatter the blocks and limitations that are holding you back
- Open up your third eye and heart space to effectively manifest new reality
- Embody new timelines and geometries to bring about your ideal outcomes
Riya, you are simply DIVINE 💓 This energy transmission help me clear out all of the debris that was pulling me down and keeping me small. I felt a huge shift while I was dusting my wings and cut 2 ankles bracelets that was attached to my body. My blood and Chi are now flowing smoothly and beautifully, I am filled with peace and joy. I am free of pain and illness and I am blessed with good fortune
Thank you for this beautiful activation. I felt the energies activating me. I was given a message at the end and it’s what I want to achieve. Thank you so so much, Riya.
Thank you so much, this was a very strong experience. For the first time in a long time i'm feeling free. Thank you for this activation.

Riya Loveguard
Starseed & Light Language Activator
Riya Marta Loveguard, or as her Guides call her “Riya”, is an energy worker whose mission on Earth is to activate and equip other Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Creatives and Conscious Entrepreneurs.
Riya channels powerful Galactic frequencies using Sound Technology, or so-called Light Language. She has had the ability to speak Light Languages since 2005.
She channels multiple Galactic Light Languages including Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyran Avian and Feline, Sirian and Pleiadian. She can also speak the Languages of Earth’s ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Riya’s Light Language transmissions contain potent frequencies aimed at unlocking your full divine potential and rewiring you for the most amazing experience in the 3D reality.