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In the meantime, you may also be interested in Radiance!

Your 5D Business Journey Starts In:


Ready to translate your (super)natural abilities into a succesful, soul-aligned business?


with Riya Loveguard

Master the energetics & mechanics of growing a prosperous online business

Ready to translate your (super)natural abilities into a succesful, soul-aligned business?


with Riya Loveguard

riya marta loveguard light worker

Master the energetics & mechanics of growing a prosperous online business

There is a fire burning in your heart fueled by your purpose to leave Earth a little more magical than you found it. You want to contribute with your unique innate gifts as well as the abilities you have developed through blood, sweat and tears (not to mention courses and certifications!)

You are bringing your embodied wisdom and experience to help your clients with true devotion and heart of service. Your sacred work brings you deep satisfaction. 

But here’s the rub: Your magic isn’t conjuring up a steady flow of clients and cash. 

The thought of trading your dreams and gifts for a “real job” flashes on the horizon. Yet, you don’t give up as you know deep inside your soul that a life of freedom, passion, prosperity, alignment and fulfilment is available. You just don’t know how to make it your reality.

You need a step-by-step roadmap, rock-solid business strategy & fast-acting energetic tools to propel you towards abundance.

In search for business success, you could dive into the world of 3D marketing gurus, the Bro- and Blush-types who claim their scripts and formulas will magically “work” for you.

But your beautiful heart knows better, doesn’t it? High-pressure tactics, greed, pushiness, empty promises behind fake facades and manipulation simply don’t vibe with your sacred New Earth business vision.

Because New Earth calls for new ways and a unique approach to business. In exchange it offers a plethora of new, advanced energetic tools that work just like magic on opening the abundance throttle on full blast.

Of course, that abundance still needs a channel to flow through. And a reservoir to catch it. It needs “infrastructure” – that is all the practical aspects that will allow you to receive more income and amplify your influence:  engaged email list, enchanting branding, transformative offers, elegant funnels, frictionless payment systems, social media channels mastery, captivating live events, soulful sales, and eventually, a team that support your vision.

It just needs to be done in a manner suitable for the new brand of consciousness. Because building a soul-aligned biz is not a matter of copy-pasting 3D formulas. It is a sacred dance of challenging the status quo and surrendering to your intuition. 


Transform Your Business



Here is how we grow Your Soul-Aligned Business

The Business Ascension Full Day INTENSIVE Workshop: 17 July 2024

Kick start your business expansion journey as you:

Soul-Led Business Model

Align your business energy field to Your Soul and design a business model that feels good to run!

Live Session 1
Soulful Self-Expression: How to Channel Your Unique Voice Through Heart-Centered Content & Become the Go-to Person in Your Niche

Live Session 2
The Sacred Path: Crafting Your Client's Journey, Exploring Soul-Aligned Business Models & Designing Your Business Ecosystem

Abundance Upgrades: Tapping into Atlantean Wisdom – Balancing Structure, Masculine Drive, Execution & Motivation

The Offers Ecosystem

Unleash Your Creativity and create irresistible offers and services that captivate your audience!

Live Session 1
Crafting Your Offer: Birthing Your Offers, Activating Them, and Preparing for Launch 

Live Session 2
The Art of Soulful Launching: How to Present Your Offer so your Soul-Mate Clients Respond with a Full-Body Yes 

Abundance Upgrades: Lyran Avian Activation – Freedom, Ease, Creativity, Flow + Lyran Feline Alchemy Activation – Transmuting Metaphysical Gifts into Physical Abundance

The Client Attraction

Build a magnetic personal brand that naturally and effortlessly attracts your soulmate clients and positions you as a thought leader in your niche.

Session 1
Brand Building & Soulmate Client Activation: Mastering Marketing to Ignite the Energetic Connection with Your Beloved Clients

Session 2
Heart-Centered Copywriting & Storytelling:  How to Speak so Your Ideal Client Listens (and buys)!

Cosmic Abundance Upgrades: Pleiadian Brilliance Codes, Arcturian Message Resonance, Orion Tech Freedom & Mastery (Rise Above the Algorithms), and Andromedan Whispered Marketing Magic

The Art of Soulful Selling

Say goodbye to your own objections that block you from asking for monetary exchange for your gifts. Master the art of authentic, heart-centered selling that feels good, natural and easeful.


Session 1
Freedom Selling: Unveiling the Energetics of Pleasurable Sales Situations (Yes, it can be fun, rewarding and non-abusive!)

Session 2
Sacred Sales Channels: Master the Art of Selling at Live Events, on Social Media, by Emails, and in Automated (And Activated) Funnels

Session 3
The Alchemy of One-to-One Sales: Harmonizing Energetics for Authentic Soul Connection that is more irresistible than any of the gurus icky tricks

Abundance Dragon Upgrades: Cultivating Unshakable Confidence, Persuasive Communication, and Resilience

The Money

Get Intimate with Money Energy, release karmic, personal and ancestral block blocks, and learn to receive abundantly!

Session 1
Healing Ancestral Patterns of Scarcity to Build Your Financial Legacy

Workshop Session 1: Money Energy Alchemy: Transforming Receiving Templates, Releasing Money Blocks, and Aligning with Prosperity

Workshop Session 2: Adjusting Your Money Thermostat: Fine-Tuning Your Energetic & Nervous System Capacity to Receive, Hold and Invest Large Sums

Multidimensional Abundance Upgrades: Tapping into 5D Abundance Templates and 12D Ultimate Prosperity from the Akashic Realm

The Growth and Expansion

Unleash Your Business Evolution - Scaling, Automating, and Expanding for long-term success

Session 1
The Expansion: Embracing the Energetics, Mechanics and Nervous System Capacity for Scaling Your Soul-Led Business

Session 2
Nailing the Back End: Optimization, Automation, AI, and Building Your Support Team for Sustainable Growth

Session 3
Soulful Business Refinement: Reimagining and Fine-Tuning Your Business Model Based on Your 6-Month Journey

Abundance Upgrades: The Future Codes 

Over the course of 6 monthS you will receive:

As soon as you commit to the journey, the frequency of abundance and expansion programmed into this space, will start will start weaving its magic into your reality.

Because Radiance is a multidimensional program that shatters the traditional confines of business strategy.

We dive deep into your energetic field using cutting-edge Quantum Technology. No outdated mindset coaching here! Instead, we’ll work with frequency and energy for immediate, Quantum shifts!

You will get access to powerful energetic tools that I use daily with myself and with my private clients.

My methodology is totally unique, as it’s a blend of downloads from my Galactic Guided, channeled in from the Quantum Field, and over a decade of direct business experience across many industries.



Riya Loveguard


… and if you are Lightworker, Starseed, Conscious Coach or New Earth Entrepeneur  – I’am your go-to Quantum Business Strategist! I’ve got 13 years of entrepreneurial experience, including 7 years in the online space, and I’m a spiritual practitioner just like you. 

Here’s what I bring to the table:

  1. Galactic Consciousness technology with Light Languages? Check.
  2. My Galactic Power Team: Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedans, and Orions? Yup.
  3. Gifts from the Lemurians & Atlanteans? Absolutely.
  4. Divine feminine Earth magic connecting me to Gaia and my maternal ancestry? You betcha!

And that’s not all. You will also get the benefit from:

  1. My social media marketing experience from a successful online education brand.
  2. Hard-earned lessons from running businesses that didn’t align with my purpose.
  3. Social psychology knowledge, thanks to my sociology degree.
  4. Business analytical skills from my ongoing MBA studies.

So, let’s merge the mystical and practical to rock your business and spiritual life. Are you in? Let’s make some magic together!

Here is what SOME OF 2023 Radiance Participants experienced:

I joined Radiance because I wanted to take my business to the next level.I decided that I wanted to grow and take my business seriously. I also joined it because I wanted to learn more from Riya as I met her on TiTtok years ago. I followed her work and I sensed she could have the strategy and experience needed so I decided to take 1:1 experience.

The way I relate to money now is as a friend, throughout the program we have been uncovering all the layers of our programming that have been affecting our business. I now have a stronger connection to my business, it has allowed me to get so much knowledge in this real world considering that I have never run a business before. I learned so many tools, marketing, messaging, launching programs, etc!

My tangible results are that I launched my first healing program ever! I became viral on instagram with 2.3 Million views thanks to the consistency Riya thought us to have! The way I show up is with more confidence, more people are showing up to my events. I have learned how to put a structure on my priestess work.
As part of being in Radiance I also decided to quit my job to follow my intuition of going fully in with my soul business and it was the best decision so far! I was initially hesitant about what I was going to spend on the program but it was definitely a good investment for myself and my growth!

I have learned so much that I have confidence in my strategies! I am now a priestess that has understood how to connect spirit and strategy together thanks to the program! I am grateful to have been part of this experience and I’d recommend everyone to only take this course, but especially the 1:1 experience if you really are committed to yourself and to go fully in for your dreams! Thank you Riya! You have helped me tremendously! ❤️
Jessica Correa
Light Language Channel
I attended Riya's free 3 day masterclass and felt a strong alignment to her and her work.  Initially I had no intention of joining Radiance, but after we had a call together everything in my body was telling me to join! I have never experienced such a strong reaction.  I joined and it was the best thing I did.

It has been a huge shift for me in so many ways. I needed help energetically, clearing blocks, beliefs, and patterns but also help with the nuts and bolts of building my business.  It's been an all-round business shake-up and make over.

I now have a closer relationship with my business and money.  My business is flowing with clients and money.  Plus on top of that I am happier in myself, in my relationships and feel lighter overall.

I would recommend Radiance to anyone that's feeling stuck and hopeless in their business.  Riya is a beautiful authentic caring soul, and her expertise will guide you to success!
Jessica Goh
Radiance is helping me see my business as whole. I’ve shifted from asking and looking ‘for’ things to happen and am learning tools from you to incorporate into my prayers and my vision for my business, Itt’s up-levelling my frequency, while at the same time doing it for the energy of the business! Aho and thank you infinitely, Riya!
Shelley Wasicki
Animal Communicator and Reiki Healer​
I was intuitively led to Riya and her Radiance coaching program. Having started my own business a few years ago, I experienced both successes and failures. At the time, things were stagnant, and I was seeking help to propel both myself and my business out of this rut. That's precisely what this program has done for me.

As a spiritually aligned practitioner, the energetics of her 5D business coaching practices are powerful and unlike any other practices you will ever experience. My business is currently ascending, bringing in double the revenue compared to when I started the program. These numbers are sure to continue rising as I further implement her tools into my business and offerings.

Additionally, I opted for the 1:1 coaching option, and her support throughout the weekly work was invaluable, not to mention the number of blocks we worked through in our personal sessions. Thank you so much, Riya, for the gifts you bring to the world!
Carlie Roman
Holistic Practitioner & Massage Therapist​



  • 6-months journey of business growth
  • Full day live event to kick start your transformation journey
  • Live training sessions
  • Powerful energetic upgrades and activations done in your field by my Galactic Team
  • Lifetime access to recordings of all transmissions​
  • Personal support from Riya in a private group
  • Biweekly live group coaching sessions with Riya in a small group (max 12 people)
  • Alive, Aligned and Abundant Galactic Codes Megapackage - BONUS if paid in full


  • 6-months journey of business growth
  • Full day live event to kick start your transformation journey
  • Live training sessions
  • Powerful energetic upgrades and activations done in your field by my Galactic Team
  • Lifetime access to recordings of all transmissions​
  • Personal support from Riya in a private group
  • Biweekly live group coaching sessions with Riya in a small group (max 12 people)
  • Alive, Aligned and Abundant Galactic Codes Megapackage
  • Unlimited individual support from Riya on Voxer
  • Individual Strategy Session with Riya
  • Monthly individual sessions with Riya



I was drawn to Riya because of her warm, down to earth manner, her honesty and humour but most of all her practical approach. These resonated with me and the session lived up to all of that on a one to one basis.

As a result of the work we did together I released programming and ancestral energies concerning how I relate to success and income. In particular, fears around how I am perceived by others, the impact on my relationships with them and how that manifested for me personally and was holding me back. In other words, judgement. The result was strengthening my own identity and my soul purpose; forging a soul connection with my business/income; releasing self doubt, shame and a deep seated fear of speaking my truth. I am now motivated, enthusiastic and feel a sense of liberation. I feel excited about the future and using my gifts to help others without fear or shame. A website is underway, new tech based contacts have arrived to help – here we go!

I’d recommend Riya’s sessions to anybody that is feeling stuck about what they dream to do and why it isn’t their current reality. Anybody that doesn’t have an open, free flowing, fullfilling relationship with money. Anybody that wants a kindly, loving, soul centered approach combined with wisdom, experience and practical advice


After our first session I had three days only drinking water as I felt I needed it. After that I experienced big shifting, I saw how I came to Earth, my mission. I went so deep, I could see how Starseeds come to Earth. My fears went away. I have so much energy! I finally started preparing content for my business and two clients booked my services, out of nowhere, without advertising. I’m so grateful. It was amazing. In the second session,s I started speaking the Arcturian Light Language during the session, I could feel so much energy coming through my mouth, like never before.


I just wanted to express my gratitude for our sessions. I love working with you, I really appreciate your spiritual knowledge and the precision with which you work. I have studied for many years with various teachers, but nobody has ever shown me how to work with energy.  with so much precision and detail. I also like how practical you are and how you bring balance of energy and strategy to the business. I really like your style. I have just finished the activation you sent me after the session and I feel incredible. I can see how I can utilise my social media channels more effectively and how to make my offer more visible. Thank you so much for your insight and advice. 


I can’t thank you enough. Before today I didn’t have that clarity. I did not have the ability to see how everything I’ve done in my corporate career will help me with my mission. I thought I had to shift into something completely different. But it’s about applying everything I’ve learnt over the last 20 years. That makes me super happy because I can see how it will work. I know I’m on the right track now. The clarity of my vision gets me pumped up.


You give me confidence again in who I am, Riya! I’d lost so much faith in myself and been so confused with everything, since my awakening and complete life shake up but it makes so much sense when you explained it in our sessions as my Dragon Starseeds traits. You saw all my strengths and my big heart and the light I am here to shine. Means so much to me that you understand me so well!


Radiance journey is energetically intense for both myself and the participants. Therefore I run it only once every year. The next journey will start in July 2024 and the following in July 2025.

The instruction sessions will take place on Thursdays at 1 pm Costa Rica.

For the bi-weekly coaching calls there will be two groups to choose from: also on Thursdays at either 11 am and 1 pm Costa Rica.

The full schedule of the sessionś will be provided a month before the start of the programme.

Time conversion links will be provided before every session. 

I encourage you to attend sessions live whenever possible, especially the live coaching and Q & A sessions that take place after each session. However, if you can’t make it live, rest assured that all the energies will be retained in the recordings. You can also leave us a question on the support group and receive a personal answer. If you can’t be with the group live, you will still make the most of the programme if you keep the momentum and make a commitment to watch the recordings before the next session is published.

Every week the group sessions will take approximately 90 min to 2 hours. We will have two hours for the transmission and activations one week, and 90-2 hour for the live coaching and support the other week. However, you will be required to integrate the teachings and energetic upgrades received which means allowing yourself time to rest, journal, and for introspection. And of course, you will need time to implement the knowledge in your business. This is not a Course so you will not need to memorise anything but allow yourself to experience, experiment and implement the acquired skills in your business.

My intention is that every single soul committed to this transformative journey completes it, therefore I encourage you to join only if you feel comfortable with the investment required: in terms of money, energy and time. However, I understand that money can flow into your life in different patterns, therefore there are finance options which we can discuss during the enrolment consultation.

Radiance is energetically intense for both myself and the participants. Therefore I run this programme only once a year. If you are wondering whether you can make the commitment now, ask yourself the real reason WHY. What is actually holding you back from embarking on a journey of transformation? Will it be in your highest good to wait another 9-12 months?

Radiance is suitable for both existing as well as budding entrepreneurs. If you are only just starting, Radiance is a great place to lay the right energetic foundation, teach you all the essential skills and help you build your business from the ground up. However, you need to be clear on what you are going to offer in your business as Radiance is not a space for brainstorming potential business ideas – but for implementing strategy and deploying energy to what you already know you will offer. We will be working on details of your offerings so you don’t need to have them ready, but you need to be at a stage where you know what it is that your Soul wants to express in the world.

Ready yo embark on the enchanting adventure of GROWING your soul-aligned business with Radiance?

Sign up and join the Radiance waitlist!


Soon you will recieve an email to learn more details!